Rangkuman Materi bahasa inggris kelas 10 bab 6 Kurikulum Merdeka

Daftar Isi

Bismillah, apa kabar bapak/ibu guru bahasa inggris kelas X yang kami banggakan. Semoga anda senantiasa dalam keadaan sehat walafiat. Baiklah menjelang pembelajaran ganjil dan genap bulan januari tahun 2022/2023, pada kesempatan baik ini ini guru-id berbagi rangkuman materi pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas sepuluh SMP/MTS yang terdiri dari 6 (enam) bab pada kurikulum merdeka. nah pada kesempatan ini guru-id akan berbagai materi chapter 6 Fractured Stories, selanjutnya Bagi teman-teman guru yang membutuhkan referensi silahkan simak portingan ini hingga akhir.

Materi bahasa indonesia kelas 10 Kurikulum merdeka Semester 2

Sobat guru bahasa inggris jenjang SMA/SMK, sebelum menuju ringkasan materi berikut guru-id bagikan dulu materi dan tujuan pembelajaran (TP) semester 2 sebagai pengingat.

Chapter 6 Fractured Stories

Memproduksi teks naratif lisan dan teks naratif tulis multimoda tentang fractured stories sesuai dengan konteks dan tujuan yang hendak dicapai

Rangkuman materi bahasa inggris kelas X bab 6

Rangkuman Materi bahasa inggris kelas 10 chapter 6

Berikut rangkuman materi bab ENAM Fractured Stories yang merupakan pembelajaran pada semester genap kurikulum merdeka

Instructional Objectives

After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected to be able to:

1. identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal narrative text presented in multimodal form about fractured stories.

2. communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities and presentations orally about fractured stories.

3. write an expository text about fractured stories with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and present it.

Do You Know?

Narrative is a text that tells a story which aims to entertain the audience. It has elements such as plot, characters, and point of view. It consists of orientation, complication, and resolution. It often uses past tense.

Little Red Riding Hood (Traditional Version)

One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother gave her a basket with some cake inside and told her to walk through the forest to the other side where her grandmother lay sick in bed.

“Remember not to talk to strangers!” Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said. On the way to her grandmother’s house, Little Red Riding Hood met the Big Bad Wolf. “Where are you going little girl?” he asked with his biggest smile.

“To my grandmother’s house on the other side of the forest,” said Little Red Riding Hood who had forgotten what her mother told her.

The wolf took a shortcut and ran ahead to Grandmother’s house. When he got there, he went inside and swallowed Grandmother whole! Then he put on her cap and nightgown and climbed into her bed.

When Little Red Riding Hood got there, she walked right up to the bed. “Grandmother! What big ears you have,” she said. “All the better to hear you with my dear,” said the wolf. “And what big eyes you have,” she said.

“All the better to see you with my dear,” said the wolf. “And what big teeth you have,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “All the better to eat you with!” said the wolf and he jumped out of bed and started chasing Little Red Riding Hood.

A man who was chopping wood in the forest heard Little Red Riding Hood. He came inside and hit the wolf over the head with his axe. The wolf fell to the ground, and Grandmother popped out of his mouth. Then the woodsman, Little Red Riding Hood, and Grandmother all had cake and tea.

1. Why did Little Red Riding Hood walk through the forest?

2. What rule did Little Red Riding Hood break when she talked to the wolf?

3. Why did the wolf ask Little Red Riding Hood where her grandmother lived?

4. What might happen if the woodsman were not there?

Little Red Riding Hood (A Fractured Fairy Tale)

POV: The Wolf So I’m packing up my troubles in an old kit bag in the woods when I hear a twig snap. I turned to see a Little Red Hooded Teen with a picnic basket that said: “Mommy’s little girl” along with a picture of the girl yawning. “Hey, Lil Hood, I like that basket.” I rolled my eyes. “Whateva’, I need to text Granny that you are utterly creeping me out.” She threw a piece of gum in her mouth and stared into my eyes while chewing. A few seconds later, she pulled out a smartphone and pushed me out of the way. I started to follow her.

“So, what’s in the basket?” I asked. She backed away from me. I reached into my pocket for the Friendship Coupon I got for my birthday. Instead I pulled out an “I will eat you” coupon used for The Three Thousand Humongous Pigs restaurant, which enables you to get an all­you­can­eat dinner. She screamed an ear­piercing scream that made me roar and fall to the ground and curl up.

“It’s an armadillo­wolf and it’s going to, like, totally attack me!” She shrieked and ran into the woods. A troop of seven dwarves marched out of the trees. They all turned towards me. “We’re the Seven Levels of awesomeness,” a red shirted dwarf said in a squeaky voice and then played a high chord on an electric guitar. The dwarf started to explain a boring history story. As soon as his eyes crossed, I stepped over the whole row of dwarves in one step. I continued to look for the Girl. “I want to be friends with you!” I yelled. “You are, like, a liar!!!” She responded from behind an incredibly noticeable tree trunk.

“You, like, just gave yourself away!” I replied. She ran out from behind the tree. “I don’t have a job! So please don’t eat me!” she yelled. What a terrible excuse. “Yes you do! You have a delivery job!” I spat back. She groaned. “Ugh! It’s like mom all over again!” “Mom?” She led for the second time.

As she ran away I saw a label on her basket. It said ‘To Grandma, 2235 NE Forest Ct.’ Hmmm …. Maybe …, just maybe, I could be friends with Little Hood there. I arrived at the old lady’s door when I saw my old friend, Bob­wolf, chasing three little pirates in the brig. He had recently chased three little famous pig chefs but that’s a whole different… uh… mall game, I think. Anyway, I knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” a sweet voice of a grandma called.

“The uh, Crayola department?” I answered. Wow, that was lame. “Come in,” the grandma said. As soon as I entered, the grandma was so scared she jumped into my mouth. I accidentally swallowed the sweet little woman. BLECH! Was she dis­gusting. At the worst time in possible times that are worse than worst times, Little Hood showed up.

“Gra-any! I brought your cookies!” she sang. COOKIES!!! I DESPISE cookies. I swallow an old lady to make friends with somebody because I want to know what’s in a basket, just for cookies! WOW, is my life messed up.

“Okay, I’ll take the cookies now my beloved Hooded Girl -- I mean, Granddaughter,” I said in my best old lady voice. I waited at least a minute. “‘Kay Grandma. Now let me hand you the goodies,” she inally said. I reached a paw out. “Wow, Grammy, what big paws you have,” she said in a slightly frightened tone.

“Aren’t you a bit too old to be concerned about what your Granny looks like?” I scolded back with a hint of worry. I heard a bubble pop.

“No and F-Y-I, I’m only, like, fourteen.” She sassed. “Wait, humans can’t have paws! Hey, you’re the creepy armadillowolf who wrote a note card that said ‘I will eat you’!” I step guiltily out of the door. “You caught me red handed, wait no, you caught me by my hand.” I gazed at my hand. The girl slapped it out of the way. “Enough chit-chat!” She said and then screamed, “DOCTOR!!!” One quote unquote Seven Levels of Awesomeness dwarf with a doctor coat appeared on the top of my head.

“Pull out my Grandma!” the hooded girl ordered. “Don’t do it!” I said with a creaky voice. The dwarf reached his hand into my throat. He pulled out a frog. “Boy, you have a frog in your throat,” he said. I didn’t speak a word. “Cat got your tongue?” The dwarf said, and pulled out a cat. “You’re just full of surprises aren’t you?” Finally, after tons and tons of terrible puns in my mouth, grandma was pulled out. Then we all lived tax­free ever after

Answer the following questions.

1. Who told the story?

2. What made the girl scream an ear piercing scream?

3. How could the world ind out Grandma’s place?

4. What made the girl realize that it was not her grandma who take the goodies?

5. What is meant by “cat got your tongue? In “Cat got your tongue?” The dwarf said, and pulled out a cat.”

6. What would happen if the grandma did not jump into the wolf’s mouth?

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